2020 Environment Program Capstone Celebration

The Loyola University New Orleans Environment students have been working hard the past few years to enhance their on-campus curriculum through their capstone experiences.  To earn a degree from the Environment Program, each student must complete a project which further develops their skills as a scholar.  Some choose an internship where the practical experience usually involves service-learning with a community, government, tourism, or non-government organization.  Others choose research that involves novel ideas developed through data collection or library study.  These experiences often parlay into careers or acceptance into graduate programs.  The final requirement is for them to tell others what they learned during our annual Senior Capstone Celebration.  


Since this has been an interesting semester (to say the least), this experience looks different than it has in the past and I am thrilled to share that our students have risen to the occasion.  Each has prepared presentations and we hope you will take the time to watch each presentation and learn how Loyola University New Orleans Environment students have turned their passion into purpose.

Click here to enjoy!