Ethics Bowl alumna graduates from law school

Ethics Bowl alumna Laura Cordell graduated from the University of Miami's School of Law in 2019 as an Annual Merit Scholar. Laura plans on specializing in immigration law.

Laura has this to say about her Ethics Bowl experience: "I loved being on the ethics bowl team. I learned certain skills that everyone needs in the real world. I learned how to dissect arguments, analyze minute details and think on my feet. As a future lawyer this team was immensely helpful, I was able to grow confidence while speaking that I did not have before and think about arguments that had never occurred to me. It was also a bonus that I made some great friends and that Dr. Kahn and Dr. MacClellan are some of the kindest and helpful professors at Loyno (they can also be quite fun!). I can't leave out the fact that we were able to travel and have a lot of fun along the way. All in all I would recommend this experience to everyone and anyone!"