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About Languages + Cultures

Broadening your world view

The Department of Languages and Cultures recognizes that foreign language education is an indispensable part of the development of the individual in the Jesuit tradition. Through the study of culture, the knowledge and appreciation of other languages and literatures is at the heart of the program. The department’s mission is to encourage and challenge Loyola students to reach a level of competency in a language other than their own, thus broadening their world view and allowing them to clearly and openly exchange ideas and opinions with people of other cultures.

Our graduates go on to a wide variety of opportunities. Some of them have achieved success in the following:

French or Spanish teachers

Peace Corps

Graduate school, Law school

World Health Organization and other non-profits

World Bank

Catholic Charities Immigration and Refugee Services

Paralegal work


Mission Statement

The Department of Languages and Cultures is committed to upholding the strong Jesuit traditions of language study and active participation in other cultures.  We are dedicated to understanding the real differences in worldview that only direct and authentic human communication—in all its changing forms—captures. Open exchange with other cultures on their own terms fosters genuine critical thinking, which we nurture by teaching language proficiency and cultural literacy.  Our students learn to conceive the world anew, to embrace its plurality, and to reject the inherent racism of monolingualism prevalent in society.

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