Public Relations Alum elected 2008-2009 PRSSA National President

Brandi Boatner, A'05, was elected the 2008-09 National President for the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA). Boatner, a graduate student studying for her master's degree in communications and international marketing at Hawaii Pacific University, is the organization's first African-American female president as well as first national president to represent Hawaii.

As PRSSA national president, Boatner served as the principal administrative officer of the PRSSA National Committee. The committee manages the business affairs of PRSSA and functions as a guide to members who have concerns or are interested in participating nationally within the Society. Boatner supervised the PRSSA National Conference, organized and supervised PRSSA national subcommittees, advised and instructed committee members on policies and procedures of PRSSA, and administered PRSSA chapter and member reward programs.  Brandi served as PRSSA's Vice President of Advocacy from 2007-2008.